1·Welcome to planet Earth, the third planet from a star named the Sun.
2·This will be our ride back home to planet Earth when our work is complete here.
3·In Britain, Internet shopping now accounts for nearly 4% of total retail sales, according to Planet retail, a research firm.
据调查机构Planet Retail的报告称,目前,在英国,零售业销售额的近4%来自网上购物。
4·The celebrities who lent their name to Planet Hollywood probably no longer relish being associated with a tacky fast-food chain that has gone bankrupt twice.
5·In tribute to those achievements and to the unique view of Earth that the shuttle has provided, we offer a new photo feature: Every Flight is a Mission to Planet Earth.
6·The four planets continue to hug the eastern horizon at dawn throughout the month, while Endeavour is now scheduled to make its final approach to planet Earth on June 1.
这四颗行星将在本月中继续在天空中拥抱东方的地平线,而奋进号现在正按照预定,准备于 6 月 1 日开始它的最后一次旅程。
7·According to planet formation theory, there was a process of building that went on in the early solar system - smaller planetesimals to larger planetary embryos to actual planets.
8·We hope what we are doing will draw people's attention to protect our planet.
9·The rover should have at least one Martian year, to roam the planet, during which time it will collect, grind and analyze around 70 samples of rock and soil.
10·That's key to understanding planet formation.